On 5 Mar 2013, Dave Symes <d...@triffid.co.uk> wrote:

> RPCEmu 0.8.9. running on Win 7 Pro (As Administrator).


> On RO 6.20 yes well!
> The AppleTalk module wouldn't stay dead... But I've now sorted that
> with an early Obey file.

The simplest way of ensuring that AppleTalk is not loaded is to add the

   X Unplug AppleTalk

to te file !Boot.Resources.!Internet.!Run at new line 42, where several
other modules are unplugged.

It is also essential to comment-out line 65, of the same file, which
seeks to RMLoad AppleTalk

> And... The ...!System.310.Modules.Network now contains "EtherRPCEm"


> But the problem appears to be just where to put the AutoSense
> directory on a 6.20 OS
> While it does work in the (notes) advised place in RO 4.39, in 6.20
> Boot.RO430Hook.Res.Configure.!NetSetup.!IFSetup.AutoSense this doesn't
> work

Here the BASIC program is at

> and the Boot Configuration-Network configuration "Interfaces" remains
> stubbornly without a RPCEmu option.

OK here, with the above settings.


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