
during last FPC meeting we agreed[0] that we need some standardization
of macro related to builds where builddir != srcdir (and with
possibility to make it builddir = srcdir).

I was working to make guidelines for ninja and meson. For ninja it
doesn't matter from where you build (it's like make), but meson itself
accepts ONLY out-of-tree builds. Would be nice to get system-wide
(rpm-wide?) macro which stands for:
1) source directory where CMakeLists.txt/meson.build/configure are
2) build directory (I think _target_platform is a good candidate)

to make out-of-tree conversion to in-tree, you do the RPM variable override.

For example, in openSUSE it's defined in cmake[1] as __builddir and __srcdir.

Ideas, suggestions are appreciated!

[1] https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory/cmake
-Igor Gnatenko
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