On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:55 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:

On Jun 21, 2008, at 5:15 AM, Denis Washington wrote:

As promised, here's certain issues I see in the current implementation.

IMHO, your markup needs to be thought through more carefully, if the
"Exmples and attributes" section at


is any indication.

Sure markup is easy, and you can always consider your markup
to be domain specific to the LSB "Berlin API".

Meanwhile, there are any number of types of pre-existing
markup that could/should be borrowed instead

Re-inventing a Newer! Better! Bestest! markup that requires Yet Another Set Of
Parsers to be written in python/perl/ruby/whatever will
determine the rate of adoption of the application, not otherwise, imho.

FWIW your "Berlin API" markup is no better or worse than most, just different.


73 de Jeff
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