Attached is patch to extend RPMTAG_{BUILDTIME,INSTALLTIME,INSTALLTID} to add a 
2nd element that contains a struct timespec tspec.tv_nsec 2nd element.

There are 2 new getters/setters added to the rpmts API: rpm{Get,Set}Tid2().

About the only subtlety (so far) is the need (for rpmdb "legacy compatibility") 
to index only tspec.tv_secs in RPMDBI_INSTALLTID. A better index could be 
attempted, but the value of the Installed index w/o --rollback is questionable. 
Using a UUIDv1 timestamp would be one possible choice for a more precise 

These are the reasons (that I know of) to increase the precision of time stamps:

0) time(2) is very last century (but still doing the job).

1) INSTALLTIME can be inaccurate these days: fast processors can install 
multiple packages/second.

2) INSTALLTID was designed to be unique: adding microsecs/nanosecs helps ensure 
the uniqueness.

3) UUIDv1 time stamps are likelier to be unique if generated with a high 
precision time stamp.


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