Le dimanche 10 janvier 2016, 14:13:58 Hans de Goede a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 09-01-16 21:57, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> >> I've just sponsored you in rpmfusion fas now, so you have all
> >> the same rights as in Fedora now.
> >
> > Ok thanks, will wait on CVSsync then
> Yes that may take a while though due to the infra wip.
> Regards,
> Hans

Infra: I had understood.

Something that would let users test the SSH connection & key
indepedently of cvs (I have never used cvs)
like GitHub proposes would be nice:



I have to replace Fedora's logo on my slides by RPM Fusion's one.


Can I keep Fedora's one reduced or greyed-out in a corner or something;
because RPM Fusion's one is not really know from a large audience ?



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