On 03/13/2018 10:30 AM, David Demelier wrote:
I see kodi is included within the kickstart. Since we now ship
libdvdcss in RPM Fusion it could be nice to enable DVD support in kodi.
I think it's very important and a useful feature.

Raspbian has kodi with disc support by default too.

That would mean moving Kodi from the regular "free" repo to the "free-tainted" repo, or having to create two packages, one in free and one in free-tainted. While it's a great thought, it isn't a "hey let's do it there are no consequences" action.

Do we want "kodi" in free and "kodi-optical" in tainted? or "kodi" (with optical) in tainted and "kodi-free" in free?

@Nicolas, When is the tainted repo going to be generally available? I haven't heard any news on this lately.
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