Hi David,

On 14/06/2008, David Chelimsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2008, at 12:50 PM, aidy lewis wrote:
> Hi,
> Is the Given, When, Then framework, the user story, the acceptance
> criteria or both?
> From my talk at railsconf:
> http://en.oreilly.com/rails2008/public/schedule/detail/2055
> =============================================
> Story: measure progress towards registration goals
>   As a conference organizer
>   I want to see a report of registrations
>   So that I can measure progress towards registration goals
>   Scenario: one registration shows as 1%
>     Given a goal of 200 registrations
>     When 1 attendee registers
>     Then the goal should be 1% achieved
>   Scenario: one registration less than the goal shows as 99%
>     Given a goal of 200 registrations
>     When 199 attendees register
>     Then the goal should be 99% achieved
> =============================================
> The story and the text before the first scenario is the User Story as we've
> always known it in XP.
> The Scenarios are automated, and represent acceptance criteria.
> Make sense?
> Cheers,
> David

Certainly does. I am automating the tests (only tester on my project),
but I have asked the BA's not only to write the story then, but also
give the scenarios. I do a lot of re-work on the story though.

Should I just be asking just for the story and for me to add the tests
(Given, When, Then)

I also asked them for negative scenarios.

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