On Sep 7, 2008, at 7:58 PM, Sam Stokes wrote:

What approaches do people use to achieve this?

Perhaps I'm bucking what others have advised against, so take it for what it's worth.

I make some limited use of global (instance) variables that correspond to english language pronouns. I have things like @current_user (corresponds to "I"), @current_project (corresponds to "the project"), etc. I am careful to be consistent. There's only a handful of these, but I find it extremely convenient. Note, these also tend correspond to 'states' in my app, which might be in the session or part of a nested URL.

With regard to reusable steps, I have some steps that are generic, some are app specific, and some are (group of) story/feature specific:

1. The generic ones are very reusable, for example

  When "I click the $link link" do |link|
    clicks_link link.strip_quotes

Then "the browser should show $a_or_an $tag tag with $contents" do |_, tag, contents|
    response.should have_tag(tag, contents.strip_quotes)

2. The app specific ones are intended to be reusable in any story but only my app, may do some database initialization (like fixtures), logging in, for example:

  Given "a $pname project with $settings"
  Given "I am logged in as a $role member"

Note, $settings is in the format
Given a Test project with foo: 1, bar: "bar value", and baz: yadda yadda

creates a default project overridden with the specified settings (using to_hash_from_story, http://www.mail-archive.com/rspec- [EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05771.html )

3. And the feature-set specific steps are not very reusable at all. As it turns out, there's relatively few of these, and they tend to reflect aggregates of more granular steps already tested in a different story or scenario.

hope this helps,


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