On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 11:11:00AM -0500, Ernie wrote:
> Hello all
> I recently installed rsync on 2 linux boxes I have here.  I'm trying to rsync a
> very simple 10 byte text file just as a test.  When I run this command:
> rsync -v -e ssh -z file3 scully:/home/ernie
> I get prompted for my password

I don't know if you're complaining about the prompt or not, but that's
entirely up to ssh; whatever ssh does to run any command will be the same

> and rsync tells me its building the file list
> then hangs.  I noticed that if I don't specificy a path for rsync, it fails, so
> I copied rsync from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin (for whatever reason, rsync
> couldn't find it in /usr/local/bin even though its in my path).

Sshd doesn't use your own path on the remote machine, it has its own default.
You can specify an explicit path to rsync on the client side with --rsync-path.

> rsync will
> just hang like that, not doing anything ... what am I doing wrong?  The file
> 'file3' is only 10 bytes!

Ssh hanging is a known problem in some of the earlier 2.4.x series versions
of rsync, although I don't think it 't happenned on such a small amount of
data.  Try it on rsync 2.4.6 if you're not.  You also don't mention what
operating system(s) you are using.

- Dave Dykstra

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