On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:30:07AM -0400, Neil Schellenberger wrote:
Content-Description: message body text
> >>>>> "John" == John L Allen <Allen> writes:
>     John> But I do agree it would be nice if the man page documented
>     John> them.
> Or, better still, if rsync itself simply told you what they meant ;-)

The source currently in rsync's CVS already does this.  Martin put that

> In concert with that, I'd also tried to ensure that all error messages
> always get logged somewhere (i.e. never just get lost, as could
> currently happen for certain server errors if the sibling is
> unreachable).  I refactored the logging code to try to make it more
> clear where the messages were to be routed.  In the process, it is
> possible that I may have unknowingly/inadvertently violated some
> design intentions (e.g. I seem to remember Dave Dykstra mentioning
> that certain server errors were not logged to the client for security
> reasons - I may have busted that, sorry).
> Anyway, here is the patch (which is totally separate from the first
> one: you can safely opt-in to the first and opt-out from this one).

Martin & Tridge will need to decide about that patch.  I think Tridge will
probably not want all the messages sent to the client of a daemon.

- Dave Dykstra

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