On 12 Jun 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am a bit confused why using the --cvs-exclude flag would exclude
> this file list:
> building file list ... done
> lib/libXpm.a
> lib/libjpeg.a
> lib/libwrap.a
> lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/sun4-solaris/auto/GD/GD.so
> wrote 385324 bytes  read 100 bytes  110121.14 bytes/sec
> This first time I ran the rsync I used the --cvs-exclude, and these
> four files were excluded?  I can't find any reason?

Because CVS ignores generated files, including libraries, by default.

The default CVS exclude list is

static char *cvs_ignore_list[] = {
  "*~", "#*", ".#*", ",*", "*.old", "*.bak", "*.BAK", "*.orig",
  "*.rej", ".del-*", "*.a", "*.o", "*.obj", "*.so", "*.Z", "*.elc", "*.ln",

To this is added the contents of ~/.cvsignore, $CVSIGNORE, and any
.cvsignore files in the repository.  This is (I think) the same as CVS

You should be able to override the defaults by putting a '!' in your
$CVSIGNORE variable before running rsync, since it's interpreted
by the same exclude matcher as other patterns.  (See the manual
section for details.)  I haven't tested this, though.


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