On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 13:00, John E. Malmberg wrote:
> jw schultz wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 12:38:40AM -0400, John E. Malmberg wrote:
> > I do not know but if OpenVMS support is a problem for rsync
> > proper you might wish to look at pysync or unison which
> > might meet your immediate needs.
> I have not heard of unison.  I have heard that pysync was successful in 
> a limited test on OpenVMS.  As near as I can tell though the librsync it 

cool... someone playing with pysync :-)

> is based on is a bit out of date.

pysync includes a pure-python implementation that will run on anything
that can run python, as well as a basic wrapper for librsync. It also
includes extension modules for md4sum and rollsum that speed it up a
fair bit.

Something possibly worth trying on it is psyco... it compiles python to
native code on the fly using a simple "import psyco". Pure python is a
bit slow compared to native C implementations, but psyco could help
close the gap a bit.

librsync is still under active development by myself and others, and
recently had a new release. 

I haven't touched pysync for a while, but it should still work with the
latest librsync as the API hasn't changed. If there are any problems,
please let me know. I believe rdiff-backup also has a python wrapper for
librsync that might be more advanced than the one in pysync.

I have plans for both pysync and librsync, but I haven't worked on them
much lately. I find I am mostly motivated by feedback from others when
funding is not available :-)

Donovan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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