jw schultz wrote:

Sounds promising.

The pitfall you with rsync in threads is that rsync forks
with a COW expectation using a great deal of data set prior
to the fork.  Some of that data is altered.  In particular a
slew of global variables that must become thread unique when
modified or things will break in subtle ways.

Yes, I can see a few cases of this.

There are approximately 235 global and static variables in rsync, and
of those 105 are obviously never modified after the fork() takes place. That may be the case for several of the others, like the 10 in batch.c

As the use of the remaining ones are identified, that issue is easily fixed. What I need to do is map the routines called by the receive process/thread to see what static/global variables that they modify.

All the more reason to get more people working on this that want it to work on the OpenVMS operating system. Several people have contacted me that they are willing to assist.

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