Is the rsync-minimalist still supported for windows?  I am using Windows
XP Home.  I am testing, to get a solution for a client.  The minimalist
looked very nice--a cygwin.dll and an rsync and an ssh.exe.  However, I
can connect with ssh, but not with rsync over ssh using these files.  I
have also tried plink from putty with this rsync.  I gather from a lot of
the messages that the consenus is to install Cygwin.  However, I used a
long time ago and it was nasty.  Visiting their site and perusing the docs
confirms it is still pretty complicated for the task.  I don't want the
registry modified,  I want it to be a small simple install with a few
files only.  Is this possible?  Ideally, a tech inserts a cd, drags a
folder to the C:\ drive, modifies the setup.bat file on a few lines, and
that's it. How can I do this?


web . design . software . photo

Brian Rose .  programmer
Stacey Rose . designer 
(604)-588-8827 . contagiousdesignATshawDOTca

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