In the process of investigating this, I ran across another oddity with
--dirs and --relative that appears to be present in both rsync 2.6.9
and the current CVS rsync.  When a source argument ends in a ./ but
isn't ./ itself, rsync skips the subdirectories.  Continuing the
previous example:

$ rsync-dev --list-only --relative ./
drwx------          72 2007/10/07 01:15:41 .
drwx------          48 2007/10/07 01:15:41 src
$ rsync-dev --list-only --relative ././
drwx------          72 2007/10/07 01:15:41 .
$ rsync-dev --list-only --relative `pwd`/./
drwx------          72 2007/10/07 01:15:41 .
$ rsync-dev --list-only --relative ../dirs-breakage/./
drwx------          72 2007/10/07 01:15:41 .

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