
I have a question about the use of the rsync batch capability with --read-batch and --write-batch/--only-write-batch. On my rsync server, where I am running rsync in daemon mode, I make a tree available to my client.
The client has rsynced the entire tree from the server.  So far, so good...
Now, it's the next day, and the copy on the server has changed.
On the client, I want to use "--only-write-batch" to store the changes locally first (because I'll be installing those changes to a bunch of other machines -- the "client" here is the "server" for the other machines), but when I try this, I get a message from rsync that it's trying to write to a read only filesystem...
The copy of the data on the *server* is read only of course...
As far as I understand, even though rsync is running on the client, the server is trying to write the batch file locally? If I'm right, is there any way to tell the client to store the copy of the changes, and not the server? (In addition, is there an option to tell rsync not write the helper "file.sh"?)

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!


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