At 10:35 01.07.2016, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
>At 10:12 01.07.2016, Simon Hobson wrote:
>>> I'm having problems with the user rights. The backup works
>>> ok but after restoring some files I can't access them.
>>That's to be expected.
>>NTFS has a very rich permissions system and rsync won't be capturing that. 
>>While it's a PITA, your best best is resetting permissions after restore. 
>>It's probably as 'simple' (for your own documents etc) to select the top 
>>level folder they are in, go to permissions, and have Windows re-apply them 
>>recursively - but as to the exact steps, I can't remember as Windows is 
>>something I avoid as much as I can get away with.
>I know how to do it (or at least managed to do it manually), but this backup
>and restore should also be usable for "normal" users that don't know about
>or don't want to fiddle with access rights.

I'm now trying the MinGW/MSYS rsync. That is older (3.0.8) but seems to
work much better concerning user rights.


bye  Fabi

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