
We've been playing with logstash, rsyslog and redis for a while in order to *index into elasticsearch a bunch of application logs*. Briefly: app1-file1.log, app1-file2.log...appN-fileX.log -> pipeline -> elasticsearch.

So far, we are using *redis queues and _each application_ processing was made by one logstash instance* (docker container). Of course, this works with 5-10 applications, but it doesn't when you plan to deploy 100 apps cause each logstash instance requires ~512MB of RAM.

We've been thinking about rsyslog since the beginning, because it takes fewer RAM, but just noticed it doesn't have a *redis input module (aka: imhiredis)*

We still plan to have independent instances (one rsyslog for each application), but we're wondering if you'll consider it makes sense to implement this module.


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