What sort of log volume are you talking about here? (logs/sec type of thing)
From 0 to thousand-thousands/sec

Logstash needs something like redis because it can't do any queueing itself. Rsyslog is built around queues, and has the ability to create multiple queues and piplines internally, you don't need to run multiple instances.
I want multiples instances in order to:

 * Being able to process pipelines on different containers/hosts
 * Isolate pipelines to prevent problems on one affecting others
 * (others)

What you would do is create a ruleset for each application (pipeline) and give that ruleset it's own queue.
I know it can be done, but not what I'm looking for. Moreover, I would love to be a "dynamic" configuration

As new logs arrive, you then sort them by application, and for each application (or application category), you call the appropriate ruleset.
And, if there are a lot of evt/sec, you may have a bottleneck. I'll probably have a rsyslog cluster based on docker swarm mode

All processing from that point on will take place in different threads working on different queues for each category.
Will I be able to "reload" rsyslog configuration to add/delete new rulesets/pipelines?

Give it a try, I'll bet that you find the result much simpler and faster.
I expecting your reply ;)

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