2016-11-23 12:52 GMT+01:00 Bob Gregory <bob.greg...@made.com>:
> There've been a few discussions over the last few days that are all
> pointing in the same direction:
> * Is it better to use Rsyslog's omelasticsearch rather than pushing to
> logstash?
> * Should we have a minimal log shipper component as distinct from rsyslog's
> processing capabilities?
> * Ought we to have an imhiredis module?
> Really what we're talking about is replacing Logstash (and the various
> beats) with rsyslog. I'm perfectly happy with that, Logstash is a
> resource-expensive and fickle beast that spoils my otherwise pristine log
> pipeline, but I do think the community ought to think about whether this is
> the direction they want to take.
> For my part, I'm quite happy to help build an imhiredis (and imkafka?)
> module but only if I can actually dogfood it, which means replacing
> Logstash in our own environment.
> For that, I'd like to see better support for GeoIP tagging, a Riemann
> output plugin, some better guidance on "failed message queues", etc. etc.
> etc.
> Are we jointly interested in building the REK stack and, if so, can we
> start to work out the feature set we're missing, and the documentation we'd
> need for this to work? I'm a little concerned that if we tackle the usecase
> piece-meal, we'll end up with lots of disjointed parts that don't really
> solve the problem: logstash is not an adequate logstash.

I am really extremely interested in this proposal and would appreciate
if we could go forward with it. Just let me explain my situation a
bit,which hopefully helps to understand how I act and what are my
limits. I don't like disappointed people, and so I think talking about
limits is essential to get to an agreement. Sorry that the posting is
a bit length!

I am with Adiscon, and Adiscon still sponsors most of the development
for rsyslog. Adiscon is a very small shop (less than 10 folks) and we
do have a big budget. That's fine with all of us, as we do not aim at
getting rich but aim at having a satisfactory and happy life, which is
unequal to being rich in our PoV ;) We still need to pay bills, and so
we a) sell closed-source Windows products and b) sell consulting and
support contracts.

Rsyslog revenue is small, it typically (barely) funds me and half a
support engineer. I put in quite a bit of my free time as I am
personally interested in this project. Besides rsyslog, I also have
some other appointments, for example I am currently working towards
two academic research projects, where one is targeted towards logging.

Development-wise, this boils down to me being the development
ressource, and often not at 100%. If we receive sponsored or custom
work, I can add development ressources inside Adiscon, so this
actually increases development capability.

More important is that Adiscon does not monetize rsyslog in any other
way: we do not sell appliances, we do not offer logging as a service
and we do not run a large network that we monitor with rsyslog. We
really do one thing (development and support for rsyslog) and we do
that thing well.

Among others, this means we do not have need for Kibana, redis, kafka,
... So we also do not use it. So we do not know it. And learning
*everything* just to develop rsyslog is out of reach giving the
ressources we have.

So far the reality check. The good news is the rsyslog community. It
may not be the fastest growing open source community on earth, but it
is very healthy and very knowledgable. And we have seen good, quality
growth especially in the past two years. We have a lot of different
talents, and we have folks that actually use all these subsystems that
Adiscon doesn't even know before someone asked a question.

As a community, I think we can make the ERK stack a reality. I am very
open to changing things, and rsyslog has been refactored more than
once since it's inception. Another round is not a problem.

If the community helps to shape what actually *needs* to be done
(leaving out the "nice to have" to go to a doable workload), and if
some folks inside the community help to implement it, I think we can
come very far, and can even do so quickly. What is now hopefully
obvious from my initial remarks is that I *alone* cannot do all of the
big hauling. But again, we had great contributions and we have great
contributors! So, yes we can ;-)

For example and to be honest, I frankly admit that I didn't know about
Riemann until 10 minutes ago. So developing any integration into it
will take a lot of time first learning and understanding how it works.
This usually is prohibitive expensive for me to do. If, however, we
have someone who already knows the ins and outs, we can either work
together on getting something done (with me doing the rsyslog bits),
or I can educate that person to know the bare minimum required to
integrate into rsyslog. Rsyslog integration is not very hard if you do
not insist on knowing every detail. And I can fine-tune it afterwards.
But it must be a team effort, for any one person, learning the "other
part" is probably too time consuming.

This is why I mean we need to act as a community.

If we can form such (virtual) teams, I would be extremely interested
in participating and moving rsyslog forward towards new goals. I think
I may even get Adiscon to put in some extra effort for a while. And I
personally would find such a community effort uber-cool ;-)

What do you think?

Sorry again for the long posting,
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