2016-12-02 10:31 GMT+01:00 David Lang <da...@lang.hm>:
> On Fri, 2 Dec 2016, Bob Gregory wrote:
>> I'm not sure that's true in the general case.
>> Of the errors I've had with our elk stack, upward of 95% have been caused
>> by type errors (json field should be an int but is an object); some small
>> handful have failed because a message was truncated somewhere asking the
>> line; a smaller number have failed because somebody hand-crafted json and
>> forgot about a trailing comma or quote.
>> Overwhelmingly, the data aren't corrupted: they were invalid at source in
>> a
>> way that would still allow them to be read as plain Unicode strings.
>> Obviously I accept that given enough data, I'll see more interesting
>> failure modes that need more thought, but reading from the errorfile and
>> pushing to a separate error index would work very well in our environment.
> I get _really_ nervous about even low probability failure modes in my
> failure paths. Murphy likes me too much :-)
> doing it your way, you still have the failedlog messages from your failure
> path that you will need to monitor, so you have reduced the scope of the
> problem, but still have the same basic problem.

FYI: the original intent of the error file was to provide errors in a
way that makes it easy to (semi?) automatically handle them via a
different procedure (which my re-inject them once the problem has been

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