On 7/10/17 5:28 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jul 2017, deoren wrote:

Hi David,

My comment wasn't as clear as it should have been. The /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf file targets specific directories and one of those is /var/log. By default /var/log is set to 0755, so if rsyslog is to generate files dynamically at the root of /var/log, then the override is needed. Otherwise, if you specify that files are to be dynamically created within a subdirectory that rsyslog has access to ('/var/log/rsyslog_clients' for example) then dynamic files are created properly.

Dynamic filename generation within a subdirectory is working fine for me now with rsyslog 8.27.0 from the PPA. It's the dynamic creation within /var/log that is not working when using the PPA.

Please file a bug within Ubuntu, rsyslog (or any other program) should not need special configs to create files in directories they have permissions to, and if they configure rsyslog to not have permission to create files in /var/log, they have done something very stupid.

Without an override in place, the permissions are being reset on boot for the /var/log directory to 0755, ownership of root:syslog. The /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/00rsyslog.conf file overrides the systemd default configuration to set 0775 on boot.

My Ubuntu desktop doesn't even have a /usr/lib/tempfiles.d directory.

What Ubuntu release are you using?

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