* On 17/10/06 13:56 -0400, Lee Whalen wrote:
|   Hello all, so I'm in a bit of a pickle.  I rolled out RT 3.4.5 on a 
| testing-only basis to a low-end desktop server running Debian Etch 
| called, cleverly enough, 'betart', fully intending to purchase better 
| server-grade hardware and migrate over to it once we worked all our 
| initial mistakes out.  I then purchased "RT Essentials" which, in 
| hindsight, I should've done first.
|   After we'd been using RT on the beta system for a month or so, got 
| all the wrinkles ironed out and got a whole bunch of really useful 
| ticketing data on it, we purchased a shiny new Proliant box and slapped 
| Debian Etch on it as well.  We were able to get RT, Apache, and all the 
| fixin's up and running without incident, but now it came time to migrate 
| the data over.  I followed the method described in RT Essentials on pgs 
| 73-75 regarding backing up and restoring the MySQL DB, but then I 
| noticed the paragraph that says "Make sure RT's configuration file has 
| the same values it had before the crash.  It's particularly important to 
| get the $rtname and $Organization variables right, or RT won't work 
| properly".  Well, $Organization is no problem, that stays the same from 
| the beta to the deployed box.  However, $rtname is definitely changing 
| from 'betart.nellymoser.com' to 'rt.nellymoser.com'.  Other than that 
| change, RT_SiteConfig.pm remains the same.
|   My question for you guys is, what does changing $rtname break between 
| RT instances, and is it possible to just do a recursive search through 
| the dump of the beta mysql db before importing it into the 
| soon-to-be-production box and change all instances of "betart" to "rt" 
| without causing the whole thing to crash and burn horribly?  Second 
| question, there's a small amount of entries (such as deleted or 
| "unprivileged" accounts, queues, etc) that we created that we don't use 
| any more.  Is it possible to manually zap those from the MySQL DB and 
| not hurt anything?  I think the Perl snippet on page 71-72 of RT 
| Essentials would do it, but that appears to be on a per-transaction 
| basis.  I don't know if that could be modified to delete entire queues, 
| groups, or users.  Would it?
| Many thanks in advance for all your assistance!


       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington                     . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
wash () WANANCHI ! com                  . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,  |
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"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
                                                 --from a /. post

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