AFAIK, "inetOrgPerson" doesn't exist in Active Directory.

I've changed it to "user", which is one of the choices I can see in ADSIEdit (the others are organizationalPerson, top, person.)

Use the LDAPAttrMap I posted to the Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?LdapAttrMap

I have done, thank you for the page. I used this page when I set up the LDAP overlay originally.

In your RT_SiteConfig.pm make sure you have the correct MatchList and base:

Check. My base is an OU (ou=ActiveUsers,dc=domain,dc=local).

# A list of RT attrs which can uniquely identify a user,
# # ordered from most to least preferred.
Set($LdapRTAttrMatchList, ['Name', 'ExternalContactInfoId',
                           'EmailAddress', 'RealName',
                           'WorkPhone', 'Address1']

The final entry was set to Address2, so I've changed it to "1".

<snip...all in check>

I've doubled checked the configuration and I still get the LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR 1. I've tried it with different credentials, and different settings for objectClass, but as far as I can see there's no effect.

Any further help appreciated,


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