Attached is a draft of something like this we did for a customer.

I can't promise that it still works, but it likely needs only a little work to be made to go.

Patches welcome. (And if I get some success reports, i'll publish it)


Attachment: RT-Extension-TimedWork-0.3.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

On Dec 15, 2006, at 3:24 PM, Nick Metrowsky wrote:

Hi Everyone,


My management wants the capability of having a running time capability for tickets that are opened and have the time from not accumulating when the ticket is in the stalled state. Has someone developed a utility which can keep track of a ticket’s running time so when a user view the ticket, they can see how much time has elapsed since the ticket has been opened. Ideally, it would be nice to see this information displayed in the “Time Worked” field.


The end result of this would be that reports can be generating showing the actual time it took someone to work on a ticket. I have the RTx::Statistics package, but these reports based the amount of time from when the ticket was created to the time it was closed, without taking into account the amount of time the ticket was in stalled state.


Any ideas or code snippets would be most welcome.



Nick Metrowsky
Consulting System Administrator
303-684-4785 Office
303-684-4100 Fax
DigitalGlobe ®, An Imaging and Information Company



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