You can see the RTFM version by going to the configuration tab and
choosing system configuration from the tools menu. On my box this is

Loaded perl modules
Perl v5.8.8 under freebsd 
<lots of modules> 
RT v3.6.0;  
RT::FM v2.2.0RC2;  
RT::Interface::Email v1.02;



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: 20 December 2006 09:50
To: Jesse Vincent
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problems upgrading RTFM to 2.2.0RC4

After scratching my head a bit trying to figure out what "special 
post-2.0 upgrade script", decided it had to be the 2nd step in the 
README's upgrade procedures:

    "Upgrade instructions (From any  2.0.x release):
    1) perl Makefile.PL
    2) perl -I/path/to/your/rt/lib sbin/migrate-2.0-to-2.1
    3) Type "make install"
    4) Type "ls etc/upgrade"; For each item in that directory whose name
       is greater than your previously installed RT version, run:

                /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action schema \
                    --datadir etc/upgrade/<version>
                /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action acl \
                    --datadir etc/upgrade/<version>
                /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert \
                     --datadir etc/upgrade/<version>

    5) stop and start your web server"

I had omitted that step because my best guess had been that the original

RTFM install was already a 2.1.xx version (still wondering how the user 
can tell for sure which RTFM version is currently installed?) & was 
unsure if it applied because the upgrade instructions are labeled "(From

any 2.0.x release)".  Decided to retrace my steps and go thru the 
upgrade instructions step by step (omitting nothing) including executing

step 4 for 2.1.0, 2.1.30, & 2.2.0RC2.

Step 1 threw up the warning: Warning: prerequisite RT 3.4.2 not found. 
We have 3.006001. ... ignored.
Step 2 appeared to properly migrate my custom fields & transactions.
Step 4 warned that for each version's "--action schema" command that 
"Table 'Attachments' already exists at /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database 
line 212." & for each version's "--action insert" command that "Use of 
uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
/opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database line 162.
[Wed Dec 20 08:53:08 2006] [crit]: Can't locate /content in @INC  ..."

At the end of the process followed Bob's advice and reassociated my RTFM

custom fields (which were now again present) with the appropriate 
classes.  My articles are now back & I appear to have a fully operable 
version 2.2 RTFM.  Mega-thanks to both Bob & Jesse for your assistance. 

Suggestion:  the upgrade instructions could be much clearer as to which 
procedures apply to which versions.

Thanks again for both the help & an outstanding piece of software ...
Bill Davis

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> The readme mentions a special post-2.0 upgrade script. Did the output
from that look ok?
> ------- Original message -------
> From: Bill Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 12/19,  22:49
>> Thanks Bob ....,
>> Yes I did, ... but it has no effect because there are now no custom
fields listed under Config->RTFM->Custom Fields->
>> ... the drop-down list is empty.
>> Bill Davis
>> Bob Goldstein wrote: 
>> I'm stuck, can't seem to go forward to 2.2.RC4, can't seem to go back
>> where I was, even though I suspect my articles are still in the
>> somewhere ...
>> Still hoping somebody (with more knowledge of RTFM & RT than me) can
>> help ...
>>     Did you try this?
>> Login the RT web interface->
>> Config->RTFM->Custom Fields-><CUSTOM FIELD NAME>->Apply-> Select the
>> the customfield will apply to (the common is to select all) and then
click S
>> end
>>     bobg


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