I feel embarrassed to ask this, but I just did a fresh RT 3.4.2 install on a RHEL 4 machine and put my customizations in place, and I'm getting my modified Mason components & Perl overlays, but not my Callbacks. I can't figure out why the callbacks are not showing up.

My callbacks are under the path:


All files & directories under there are owned by root:root and permissions are 755 for dirs, 644 for files. These are the same permissions as for the other mason pieces under local/html, so I'm fairly sure it's not a permissions issue.

I originally installed Mason 1.35 and saw Mason/Resolver/File.pm errors in the RT log - I guessed that his was causing the problem, so I downloaded Mason 1.29_02 and installed that. I removed the mason cache, stopped & started Apache and the error messages have gone, but still no callbacks.

The pieces are:

RT 3.4.2
Perl v5.8.5 under linux
Apache v1.27;
HTML::Mason v1.29_02
mod_perl v1.30

Thanks for any assistance,


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)


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