On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 04:08:52PM +0000, Richard Ellis wrote:
> ok, that doesn't look good
> mysql> select * from ACL, CachedGroupMembers, Groups where ACL.RightName 
> = 'OwnTicket' and ACL.PrincipalId = Groups.id and Groups.id = 
> CachedGroupMembers.GroupId and (CachedGroupMembers.MemberId = '3' or 
> CachedGroupMembers.MemberId = '5'); Empty set (0.04 sec)

Looks good for you, not for me ;)  That means that my trivial fix isn't
going to catch it.


SELECT * from ACL, CachedGroupMembers, Groups where ACL.RightName = 'OwnTicket' 
and ACL.PrincipalId = Groups.id and Groups.id = CachedGroupMembers.GroupId;

This will generate a _lot_ of data. Probably best not to CC the list on
the full response.


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