Hi Maurice,

If the global scrip is one that sends e-mail and you just want the to send 
a different e-mail, you can create a template of the same name in your 
queue.  Unlike scrips, queue templates override global templates of the 
same name.

If the global scrip doesn't send e-mail (like "On Correspond Open Tickets 
with template Blank") then you can change the condition of the global scrip 
to User Defined and then put the same condition into the Custom Condition 
area, but with an additional check for the queue you want to ignore.  This 
should work fine for a single queue, but it could become very ugly to 
maintain when you start add queues to your list of ones that particular 
scrips shouldn't apply to.  I ended up disabling all global scrips and 
putting what I needed in each queue.

A nice feature for global scrips would be a way of disabling them for 
specific queues - an exceptions list maybe.


At 05:17 PM 5/2/2008, Maurice Chung wrote:
>We have a queue-specific scrip that we'd like to override a global scrip 
>with the same conditions; I found this patch: 
>but was wondering if there was a way in RT (ver. 3.6.3) that I am not 
>aware of, of doing this?
>Looked through the RT Wiki pages on scrips but no dice =)
>Thanks all -

Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University 


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