Ok, so I followed all these steps but I still have the same error on the RT at 
a glance page.

Can't use string ("BQYDAAAAAgQCAAAAAwQDAAAAAgoKTXkg") as a HASH ref while 
"strict refs" in use at /var/www/tickets01/share/html/Elements/MyRT line 76,  
line 505.

Trying to change RT at a glance prefs also gives me the same error

Can't use string ("BQYDAAAABAoEREVTQwAAAAVPcmRlcgpD") as a HASH ref while 
"strict refs" in use at /var/www/tickets01/share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html line 126, 
 line 505.

Anyone run into this before?
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:39 AM
To: Ruslan Zakirov
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT at a Glance HASH ref error during upgrade from 3.4 
to 3.8

>I think the following steps should make migration for you.
>NOTE FOR READERs: this is only correct for people migrating from 4.0
>to 4.1 and newer.
>1) when you do a mysqldump you don't need additional options, as mysql
>4.0 has no --set-default-charset or --set-charset options, so use:
>    mysqldump --opt rt3 > rt3.mysql.dump
>  or the following to gzip by the way
>   mysqldump --opt rt3 | gzip > rt3.mysql.dump.gz


>2) Configure your mysql 4.1 or newer to use latin1 as default
>character set. I can not explain this, it will take too long.

I checked mysql 5.0 documentation and it seems like latin1 is the default 
charset already?
Is this correct?

>3) You create new DB for RT in your mysql 4.1 or newer using RT

thats this command
rt-setup-database --action init --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password

>4) You move the dump file to the server with mysql 4.1 or newer and
>restore data using
>   mysql --set-default-charset=binary < rt3.mysql.dump

mysql --default-character-set=binary < rt3.mysql.dump

>5) You apply upgrade action on this new DB

thats the  'rt-setup-database --action upgrade' command?

>6) You apply commands generated by schema upgrade script


I've seen differing reports and would like a definite answer on when upgrading 
whether you should do the 'rt-setup-database --action upgrade' command first or 
if you should do the mysql schema update first.

>I think I've covered all possibilities that can corrupt data during migration.

Thanks, this has helped me a lot and I bet will help a lot other people out as 

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