d tbsky wrote:
> hi:
> it is a little fix.almost the same as 3.8.0. and utf8 fix is what
> we need. so i don't need to tune mysql utf8 parameter.

After looking at the way the mysql update procedure works, I believe
it only changes the column charset and collatiin definition, *not the
data*, so if some data where stored in latin1 in my previous Mysql
4.0 database, the column type will change to binary, then to utf8
and data will not be displayed correctly.

Can other people comment on this ?

> by the way, can you use the new "WYSIWYG" editor? i still don't know
> where i can see the result.

If I try to reply to a ticket in RT web interface, there is a tiny
black triangle on top of the message box and it expands in a set of
tools to get rich text, then I click save and I can send the message.


Jean-michel BARBET                    | Tel: +33 (0)2 51 85 84 86
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