Paul Broadwith wrote:
> I would like to change the size of the message box that is shown when 
> you update a ticket. It’s currently around 10 lines high. In the 
> file I changed the MessageBoxHeight variable to 30 but 
> this doesn’t seem to have made a difference – either it’s the wrong 
> thing to change or it just isn’t working for me.
I think what you're seeing is a 'feature' of the rich text editing mode 
of RT.
I saw the same and plan to disable it globally and then let anyone who 
want to send HTML enriched correspondence do that via user prefs.
Fixing this will mean fixing FCKeditor. Complete documentation can be 
found at
Found the fckconfig.js file in /NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor which contains 
the settings used.

> Also in the message box when I hit enter the cursor moves two lines 
> rather than just one. I changed the MessageBoxWrap value from HARD to 
> SOFT thinking this would resolve it, however it didn’t.
HARD/SOFT wrapping is for the traditional TextArea not for the RichText one.



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