Robert, if the AdminCC is the one who "does" the queue change, RT will not send him or her an e-mail unless you have NotifyActor set in your RT_Siteconfig file.


At 10:22 AM 9/30/2008, Robert Keidel wrote:
I try to get a notify mail to all queue members as soon a new ticket comes in. I believe I found it somewhere in the wiki and I created a scrip that notifies AdminCC.

Condition: On Queue Change
Action: Notify AdminCC
Template: Global Template Transaction
Stage: TransactionCreate

I can see in the message log that it will notify AdminCC since Scrip 18 is the scrip I created, but in my mail.log file of the postfix stays empty. No out going email.

Here is the part from the message log:
Sep 30 10:18:20 testlinux RT: <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #635/8243 - Scrip 18 QueueTransfer (/opt/rt38/bin/../lib/RT/Action/ Sep 30 10:18:20 testlinux RT: <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients found. Not sending. (/opt/rt38/bin/../lib/RT/Interface/

Any help would be much appreciated.

Robert Keidel

Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University 

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