Hi Felipe,

This sounds interesting. I think I would try stripping the ticket info from the incoming e-mail (subject line and header line) and then forward it to an address set up for the predetermined queue.

1. Incoming e-mail triggers the scrip.  This is the easy part.
2. Modify the subject line to remove the ticket reference.  Not hard to do.
3. Remove the RT-Ticket: header. I don't know how to do this, but I'm sure it can be done. 4. Forward the message to the other queue's address without adding an RT-Ticket: header or putting the ticket info into the subject line. I came up with one way to do the subject line part a while ago (http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/SendEmail). Blocking the RT-Ticket: header will probably require some digging into RT's code, but it shouldn't be Really Hard if you are comfortable with perl. 5. RT receives the e-mail and creates a new ticket in the other queue. This is the easiest part because it's what RT already does!

Not trivial, but you'll learn a lot about RT if you pull it off.

Or, if you're lucky, someone else will post a much easier way to do this.


At 03:12 PM 9/30/2008, Filipe José Silva Clemente wrote:

I want RT 3.8 to create a new ticket on a predefined queue when a user reply by email to a resolved ticket. The new ticket must have in the subject “Reopen:” and the new ID. An email must be sent automatically to the requestor informing the new ID.

Does anyone have a script with this functionality? Any links or clues?


Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University 

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