andys wrote:

Im using the FreeBSD port RT version 3.6.7 and I cannot get it to attach files to replies etc to tickets. I also had the problem with versoin 3.6.6. Apparently this was working previously, the only thing that I can think that has changed is that we now use SSL (but Im not aware this has broken anything else). What Im seeing is:
If Im viewing a ticket and click reply
Then I click "browse" for attaching a file
Select a file on my local PC
now click "update" for the ticket, it breaks, it shows as the URL: and a blank page. Any ideas??
thanks for any help, Andy.

Yes.  this is because the home directory of www, the UID the web server
runs under has /nonexistent as a home directory (for security reasons).  Simply 
modify the www account so it has a real home directory.  I can't
remember off hand if the www user needs any special privileges over the
home dir -- I don't think it does, in which case, /var/empty is a good
choice and still preserves at least of modicum of security:

  # pw user mod -n www -d /var/empty

If that doesn't work then try creating /home/www and see what the minimum privileges are. Leave the shell as /usr/sbin/nologin.



Dr Matthew Seaman                     The Bunker, Ash Radar Station
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