Hi all,

We've been using Horde+whups system for helpdesk in our University
for the past 3 years.  We recently upgraded it from a very old version and
everything got hosed.  We are planning to move to a better ticketing system
that is more stable and can be upgraded later without breaking the existing
infrastructure (databases, etc.).  I heard good things about RT.

My questions to you guys are the following:
1) We use a FreeBSD system.  I see that there is a port available (rt36) for
    version 3.6 but none for 3.8 yet.  Is it ok if I go ahead and install
rt36 now
    and later on upgrade to rt38 whenever it is available?  If not, do you
    that I manually download the latest version of rt3.8.1 and then install
    from the source?  Which method is safer/easier for upgrades in the long

2) If FreeBSD systems are not well supported, we can also move to a Linux
    system.  Is it better to use a Linux system?

3) I've been reading that RT is memory intensive.  Is 2 GB enough?  This
    machine also runs the DHCP server.  Do you guys recommend to have a
    separate system for RT?

I hope these questions belong to this list.  If not, can you please point me
the correct list?

Joe the rtuser :)

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