Hello together,


What's the cleanest way to get this to work?  Users here have gotten a lot of 
new stuff to deal with lately, and more systems to log in to.  I *really* want 
them just to be able to use their AD login info for RT, whether or not they've 
mailed in a request before.


I have the same problem, which is quite annoying.


Is there any solution on the horizon or - at least - some hints on how and 
where to patch this in? Anyone?


Yours sincerely,
Torben Nehmer

Torben Nehmer
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Business System Developer

CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Messerschmittstr. 20
89343 Scheppach

Tel.: +49 8225 - 996-1118
Fax: +49 8225 - 996-41118
torben.neh...@cancom.de <mailto:torben.neh...@cancom.de> 
www.cancom.de <http://www.cancom.de> 

CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
HRB 10653 Memmingen
Geschäftsführer: Paul Holdschik, Christian Linder

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