
I followed these steps, following the UPGRADING UPGRADING.mysql docs and
other messages in this list, in particular, Tim Cutts and Ruslan posts[1]:

# Set up a new RT box, install the new version of MySQL you want to use, and
install RT 3.8.1.
# Dump of your production MySQL instance, and load it into the new MySQL
# Follow the UPGRADING.mysql document if you're going to upgrade your mysql
server or move RT DB to a newer mysql server.

1) cd /path/to/rt-3.8.1-src/
2) ./sbin/rt-setup-database --dba root --action upgrade  # Select option to
go only as far as version 3.8.0
3) rm -fr /var/run/rt38/mason_data/obj/  && apachectl restart
4) perl ./etc/upgrade/ rt3 root > sql.queries # Run
the MySQL upgrade script, as detailed in UPGRADING.mysql, and apply the SQL
statements it wants you to make. This takes a while.
5) mysql -u root -p rt3 < sql.queries
6) ./sbin/rt-setup-database --dba root --action upgrade  # Run
"/opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action upgrade"  again for the last small
changes from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1

Despite the fact that we did have a problem in our database in the step 5
above, I've sent the steps above to this list a few days ago and it seems
these are ok, as nobody - including Ruslan - told me otherwise.


Best regards,


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