Andy Smith <>  wrote:

>Hi James,
>   ok, well thats nice I managed to get to the instructions for 3.8
>using a bit of guesswork :P.
>The only reason Im on 3.8.1 is that it is the current ports version in
>FreeBSD. If its worth waiting for 3.8.2 I'm happy to wait, Im not in
>any hurry to upgrade.
>Thanks for the info,

For what it's worth, although I too use yum/rpm management on my Redhat
boxes to install/upgrade almost everything, I find that using packages to
install/upgrade RT problematic.  It's much easier (for me) to upgrade from
source, especially since you really aren't compiling anything.  This goes
for Horde/Imp as well (which it appears you are using).

As it is right now, you are only a few steps frm getting RT 3.8.2 going
from source.  If you've installed the 3.8.1 from BSD ports, you are only
two updated Perl modules away from using 3.8.2.  If those updated modules
exist in ports, great.  If not, use Perl/CPAN to upgrade them.

The other steps are to download the source, perform a configure operation,
and make install.

The configure operation would look something like:

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/rt3.8.2 --with-web-user=apache
--with-web-group=apache --with-mysql --with-web-handler=fastcgi

Make install would then put the actual files in /opt/rt3.8.2.  You can copy
your file into the new directory along with any local
changes.  Then create a soft link for /opt/rt3 to /opt/rt3.8.2, or however
your directory structure is laid out.  Then complete the mysql upgrade

After running configure, do a 'make testdeps' to see what modules you're
missing, need upgrading, etc.



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