2009/1/15 Dominic Hargreaves <dominic.hargrea...@oucs.ox.ac.uk>:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:26:51PM +0000, Gavin Henry wrote:
>> We've got an existing 3.6.7 db in rt3 and /opt/rt3. I've create a new
>> Pg rt38 db and /opt/rt38 dir. All is installed and working.
>> What's the best way to get the tickets etc. out of the old DB, as
>> there's nothing listed in UPGRADING about this and I don't want
>> to trample on new tables etc.
> The best way is to point the RT 3.8 config at the old database, and then
> run the rt-setup-database script in order to apply the necessary schema
> updates. Obviously back up your database before doing this!
> You don't need to set up a completely new database.

Great news, thanks.

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