I'm  newbie at RT and could use some help. I have created a new install 
of RT 3.8.2 on linux using oracle and am in the process of configuring 
it. One of the queues I have created creates an approval ticket in 
another queue I have created for this. This all works fine.

Now I want to make a  button for tickets in a third queue that will 
create a child ticket in this same approvals queue. I was able to do 
this using the code found at 
http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/CreateChildTicket. This ticket is 
created there but it is an ordinary ticket not an approvals ticket. I 
have tried various ways to set the type of the ticket to 'approval' but 
the child tickets are always showing up in the normal list of tickets, 
not under the Approvals button on the home page as they normally do.

What do I need to do to make the child tickets become approval tickets?


Conrad Gratz

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