> Can we please get some example code for this up somewhere so those of us
> that have automated employee fulfillment workflows can integrate this
> fairly easily? At the moment, I've a JSP utility that is used to create
> new users, and I'd like pre-instantiate the RT user for them (While we do
> use the ExternalAuth LDAP integration, the user still needs to login once
> for IT to add them to the proper queue...)

Here's some code, finally had time.  This is in ruby using only standard



require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'

def rest_dump(resp,data)
  puts "=" * 78
  puts "HTTP response code:  #{resp.code}"
  puts "HTTP message: #{resp.message}"
  puts "-" * 78
  puts "Response:"
  resp.each do |key,val|
    puts "#{key} => #{val}"
  puts "-" * 78
  puts "Data:"
  puts data

http = Net::HTTP.new('tickets.yourdomain.com', 443)
http.use_ssl = true

user = 'root'
pass = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# Log in to RT and get some data
login = "user=#{user}&pass=#{pass}"
headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
resp, data = http.post('/REST/1.0/user/toml/show',login,headers)

# Note: you can save the cookie here and not send the user/pass
#       on subsequent requests.  Code omitted for brevity.

rest_dump(resp,data) # display the results of user/<user>/show

# create a new user
data = login + "&content=id: user/new\nName: Some One\nEmailAddress:
resp, data = http.post('/REST/1.0/user/new/edit',data,headers)

# edit a user.  For a full field list see "/opt/rt/bin/rt edit -t user 1"
data = login + "&content=id: user/toml\nDisabled: 1\nPassword: newpass\n"
resp, data = http.post('/REST/1.0/user/toml/edit',data,headers)

-- ============================
   Tom Lahti
   BIT Statement LLC

   (425)251-0833 x 117
-- ============================

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