> One of our managers wants to get notified of all tickets and be able
> to view all tickets logged by her staff against other teams so that
> she can chase up the other teams when her staff are away.

Baby-sitting, aka micro-managing.  You gotta love people like that :)

It would be nice to be able to do a saved search for "Creator in <group>",
wouldn't it?

You could re-purpose a field a little bit that is searchable.  Say you set
the Organization field in the user records for her group to something
unique, like "<Company name>-<Dept>", then you can make a saved search on
"Requestor Organization is '<Company name>-<Dept>'" and put that on her
portal page.

-- ============================
   Tom Lahti
   BIT Statement LLC

   (425)251-0833 x 117
-- ============================

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