
Create a User-defined group called "Sysbase-Users". Then go to Configuration->Queue->(select Queue "Sybase or whatever")->Group Rights and grant the following privileges to group "Sysbase-Users":

   * "CreateTicket"
   * "SeeQueue"
   * "ShowTicket"
   * "ShowOutgoingEmail"
   * "ShowTicketComments" * Your technical support team may NOT want
     them to have this right.

Make sure the Users for "Sysbase" tickets are in that "User" group and there you have it. All members of that group will be able to create and look at ALL tickets in the Queue you select. Oh, also be sure that those users are "Privileged" users, otherwise you will not be able to add them to a group that has privileges. Hope this helps.


On 5/4/2009 1:51 AM, Vaclav Vobornik wrote:
Good morning,
I have a specific question from one of our customers. Let's say, there is a Sybase team we support: Peter, John, and Maria (unprivileged users). When Peter creates a ticket, only Peter can see it after he logs in to the RT. The same when John creates a ticket - only he sees it. I'd like they can see all the tickets one of them is a requestor - but only within their Sybase group. E.g. When Maria creates a ticket, also Peter and John could see a status in the same way like Maria.

Is there any solution already in place, please?

Many thanks


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