
I was recently asked to merge 2 RT databases together.  I don't need to
import users, queues, or ACLs, but I would like to preserve all tickets
and transactions from the old database.  I can't imagine I'm the first
person who's had to do this, and I'm wondering if anyone already has a
script written.

Essentially, I would like to iterate through the tickets in the "old"
database and play them back into the "new" one, basically adding a
constant to all ticket numbers and transaction numbers.  It doesn't
matter for my purposes to keep the ticket numbers the same (and would be
impossible at this stage anyway).

I would like to use the RT codebase instead of writing a perl script
that interacts with the MySQL DB directly.  I think the latter approach
would be less reliable.

I should also note that I can take RT offline to do the merge if necessary.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has had to do this before and if anyone
already has a script.  If I end up writing my own, I will share it with
the list.

Thanks for your time and consideration,
Ross Oldenburg
UWM Center for Gravitation and Cosmology

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