testwreq wreq wrote:
> Hello, I am new to the RT system. Can some one please tell me how should 
> I default an owner to a queue?
> All the tickets were coming to the general queue when users submitted 
> tickets using email to r...@domain.com <mailto:r...@domain.com>. I created 
> an email alias rt-...@domain.com <mailto:rt-...@domain.com> with -queue 
> as web. Now all the emailed tickets get generated in the web queue. I 
> would like to know how I can default an owner to this queue?
> I wrote a simple scrip that assigns an owner to the web queue. But the 
> problem is that RT generates a correspondence when the ticket is created 
> with NOBODY as owner, and then it generates a second correspondence that 
> it has assigned the ticket. I want to avoid the second communication. 
> For this reason, I am wondering if there is a way that I can default an 
> owner to a queue?

This should work for you:
1. In your web queue, create a copy of the global notify template that 
the on-create scrip is using.  Give it the same name as the global template.
2. Edit the new template and put a line of perl at the beginning that 
assigns the appropriate owner to the ticket without creating an 
ownership change transaction.  Look on the wiki for an example that uses 

Why this should work:
Step 1 tells RT to use the web queue template instead of the global 
template (because they have the same name).
Step 2 sets the ownerdhip of the ticket without creating a new 
transaction and sends out your notification.  Using the 
RecordTransaction=>0 option of the Set() call instead of the SetOwner() 
call prevents the ownership-change scrip from firing and sending a 
second notification.

Have fun with RT!



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