I fully agree Tom,  SQL Servers totally own the filesystem equivalent in
this regard.  Our attachments table is huge and it would be rather difficult
to keep a track of them all and ensure every last one is backed up without
the MySQL storage system :-)

Aaron Guise
  07 838 7793
027 212 6638

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Tom Lahti <t...@bitstatement.net> wrote:

> Justin Hayes wrote:
> > Thanks Aaron. I've always wondered why file attachments are stored in
> > the db at all. I'd have thought those would have been better placed out
> > in the filesystem.
> Egads! What if the storage database is not local to the web server?  How
> will
> you perform comprehensive backups?  What if your RT has a million
> attachments,
> or more?  Not to mention the performance hit of using a filesystem as a
> database, especially with high concurrency at the HTTP level.
> I have a custom database application designed specifically to store PDFs in
> the database.  It has 30 million documents in it, the database storage is
> over
> 4TB.  The web-based front-end for it is efficient enough to saturate a
> 100MBit/sec Internet connection with a single Core-2 duo web server.  When
> I
> tested this against our old filesystem version of the application, it
> outperformed the filesystem by more than 100%.  Backup is done by dumping
> the
> database in chunks in a rotating schedule.  Scalability can be accomplished
> with simple replication to additional read-only SQL servers and using a SQL
> relay to dispatch SQL commands in a load-balancing fashion.
> --
> -- ============================
>   Tom Lahti
>   BIT Statement LLC
>   (425)251-0833 x 117
>   http://www.bitstatement.net/
> -- ============================
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