> Content=id: ticket/new\nsubject: new ticket\nqueue:
> Automation\nrequestor: u...@domain.com\ntext: This is the text of the
> ticket\rA second line of text in the ticket\nAttachment:
> d:\\Inetpub\\RT-REST\\Files\\Penguins.jpg

RT doesn't read local files and encode them for you.  You have to send
the file contents.  Also, I haven't figured out how to create a ticket
with an attachment so what I do is create a ticket and then immediately
create a reply with the attachment.

If you can read ruby (and there's no reason you can't), have a look at
http://rubyforge.org/projects/rt-client/ which is a ruby library I wrote
that does a lot of the work for you, if you happen to be using ruby for
RT REST that is.  But that code does create tickets and add attachments
to them.


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