I'm using 2.0.15.  Before throwing me under the truck, please read since I 
suspect this doesn't have anything to do with the old version of RT.  :)

Recently, I often experience a situation with certain people when they email RT 
to create a ticket.  The body of the message appears in the ticket viewable via 
the web interface, but the body doesn't make it to the watchers (the queue is 
set up to email the watchers on creation, including the body).  The watchers 
get a blank/empty email message.  This doesn't always happen.  It appears to 
happen when the user forwards a message to the queue or has an attachment.  The 
users are using Outlook.
I suspect there is a certain email/html/mime tag in the message causing the 
problem.  If I know what this is, I can write an "interceptor/filter" script to 
clean it up before piping it into RT.

If anyone knows what might be causing this (ie:  which tag/type/mime/), I'd 
appreciate the help.



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