>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:je...@bestpractical.com]
>Sent: Thu 11/5/2009 1:48 PM
>To: Sean Sullivan
>Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
>Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

>On Thu  5.Nov'09 at 13:27:46 -0500, Sean Sullivan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just spent yesterday upgrading to RT 3.8.5 with RTFM 2.4.2 and for
>> some reason "kill" isn't working from the main UI anymore. I get:
>> RT::Ticket::Kill Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
>> (/opt/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Display.html line 134)

>So, this is an RT extension. Which version of it are you using and where
>did it come from? We certainly shouldn't be breaking our API in the
>middle of a stable series, so I want to make sure it gets sorted out.

>As an aside, 3.8.6 has been out for a week or so and has some fixes
>you likely want.

Thanks for the response! I didn't realize this was a plugin. I inherited this 
install and as you know it was a fair bit dated so I was asked to upgrade it. 

As far as my version of HTML::Mason, there appear to be 2 versions, 1.36 and 
1.42. If I do:

use HTML::Mason;
print "$HTML::Mason::VERSION\n";

I get 1.42, so I guess that is what is being used by RT?

Course, if I look at that file it contains only:

package HTML::Mason;
# Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Jonathan Swartz. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use 5.006;

$HTML::Mason::VERSION = '1.42';

use HTML::Mason::Interp;

sub version
    return $HTML::Mason::VERSION;



Followed by a bunch of perldoc text. 

This made me think, where is HTML::Mason::Commands? Well it's not on this 
machine, nor is it installable:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::Mason::Commands' Warning: Cannot install 
HTML::Mason::Commands, don't know what it is.

The CPAN page says this about HTML::Mason::Commands:
This was the documentation for the mc_ command set. In Mason 0.8 and beyond, 
mc_ commands have been replaced by the new HTML::Mason::Request 

So now I'm really confused... 


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